Meet on rising business opportunities
Qatar will declare a vital eventuality to try a region’s rising business opportunities and immeasurable untapped investment intensity tomorrow. The Qatar Investor Window 2011 will be a second eventuality UCI International is organising in partnership with a Qatari Businessmen Association, underneath a clientele of HE Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor al-Thani. The eventuality will yield a height for companies and entrepreneurs seeking investment to plead singular business opportunities with Qatari, Gulf and tellurian investors.
Given a fast expansion in a segment and Qatar’s hosting of a World Cup in 2022, this eventuality is an event to learn some-more about a rising marketplace and be introduced to a operation of poignant investors to plead projects.
Meeza wins endowment for cloud services
Meeza has won a Best Cloud Services Award 2011 during a third Data Centres Middle East discussion in Dubai.
Meeza was recognized by a Data Centre Strategies forum for their superb grant to a growth of cloud services opposite a region. This prestigious informal endowment offering companies intent in a information centre attention far-reaching approval and superb selling split and, as such, captivated endowment nominations from opposite a region.
Meeza authority and CEO, Rashid al-Naimi, said: “Meeza is celebrated to accept a award; delivering industry-leading managed services and cloud services are a pivotal partial of Meeza’s core strategy. Our services capacitate tiny and middle enterprises to revoke time to market, revoke costs and concentration on their core business.”
Skills march on race applications
The Permanent Population Committee is organising a special training march per a race applications in Qatar in co-operation with a UN Fund for Population and a American University in Cairo.
The 12-day march will start today. A series of entities meddlesome in race issues in Qatar would take partial in this march in particular, a Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Interior, Statistics Authority, General Secretariat for Development Planning and a Supreme Council for Family Affairs.
The march aims during formulating inhabitant professionals specialised in race issues. The march incorporates fanciful and unsentimental programmes that would improved validate Qatari trainees and raise their technical skills and imagination in a field.
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